Called to Comfort
Speaker: Tucker Stantliff Series: Advent 2023 Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:3–7
As we wrap up the New Year, Tucker Stantliff bring us God's word on comfort in 2 Corithians. It is a delight to recognize the trinity in this passage and see our God as a Father of Mercies in the midst of our suffering. But we also see the necessity to recieve and give comfort/mercy within our church family. How can you encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ? Listen and treasure Jesus!
other sermons in this series
Dec 24
Joy In Christ
Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Luke 2:8–20 Series: Advent 2023
Dec 17
Peace In Christ
Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Romans 5:1 Series: Advent 2023
Dec 10
Hope In Christ
Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Colossians 1:24–29 Series: Advent 2023