June 25, 2023

Called to Serve

Speaker: Tucker Stantliff Series: Mark Passage: Mark 9:30–41

This week at Forest Park, Tucker Stantliff continues our sermon series in Mark. In these times, it's easy to get caught up in pride and serving ourselves. Jesus shows us that if we want to be first, we must be last and a servant to all. How can we cooporate with other churches in Bowling Green to serve the community with the light of the gospel?

other sermons in this series

Nov 26


Jesus' Life and Our Response

Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Mark 15:40– 16:8 Series: Mark

Nov 19


The Son of God and the Cross

Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Mark 15:21–39 Series: Mark

Nov 12


The Innocent For The Guilty

Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Mark 15:1–20 Series: Mark