January 21, 2024

God's Sovereignty and Our Rest

Speaker: Joe Starks Series: Ruth Passage: Ruth 3:1–13

This week at Forest Park, we continue the story of Ruth and her interaction with Boaz. It cannot be denied that romance is in the book of Ruth, but it is also a story where Ruth and Naomi lose much in their lives. Most of us can relate to losing something or someone and what that feels like. In looking at Ruth, Pastor Joe walks us through the steps we take when we've encountered loss.

other sermons in this series

Jan 28


A Story of Redemption

Speaker: Chris Brice Passage: Ruth 4:1–22 Series: Ruth

Jan 14


God's Sovereign Care

Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Ruth 2:1–23 Series: Ruth

Jan 7


God's Sovereignty in Suffering

Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Ruth 1:19–21 Series: Ruth