September 15, 2024

Shrewd Stewardship

Speaker: Joe Starks Series: The Parables of Jesus Passage: Luke 16:1–13

On Sunday, we looked at the Parable of the Dishonest Manager. We saw that Jesus was calling us as his disciples to steward our resources, particularly our money, with eternity in view. He calls us to be faithful as we worship God with our lives and devote ourselves to the Great Commission. Make sure you listen to the sermon if you were unable to Sunday and prepare to discuss the parable at Community Group!

other sermons in this series

Oct 20


The Wicked Tenants

Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Luke 20:9–19 Series: The Parables of Jesus

Oct 6


Desperate Righteousness

Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Luke 18:9–14 Series: The Parables of Jesus

Sep 29


Unshakable Faith

Speaker: Tucker Stantliff Passage: Luke 18:1–8 Series: The Parables of Jesus