The Wedding Feast
Speaker: Joe Starks Series: The Parables of Jesus Passage: Luke 14:7–11
On Sunday, we looked at the next two parables in the Gospel of Luke - the Wedding Feast and the Great Banquet. We saw the danger of seeking out social acceptance and praise and the necessity of seeking out social outsiders. We also saw that all of us were outsiders to the kingdom of God that had been invited into the banquet by the blood of Christ.
other sermons in this series
Oct 20
The Wicked Tenants
Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Luke 20:9–19 Series: The Parables of Jesus
Oct 6
Desperate Righteousness
Speaker: Joe Starks Passage: Luke 18:9–14 Series: The Parables of Jesus
Sep 29
Unshakable Faith
Speaker: Tucker Stantliff Passage: Luke 18:1–8 Series: The Parables of Jesus